Friday, March 22, 2013

PSA to My Younger Self

Today we are going to take a detour and do a public service announcement. I have some younger and not so younger friends who have asked me advice on getting the life/ relationships/ status etc that they want. Why do they ask me? I have no effin clue honestly. It might be because they know I’ll tell them my honest opinion. This old girl won’t sugar coat that shiz. Oh well, they asked so here it goes.
I’ll start off by saying – these are my friends and I only want the very best for them in every area of their life. I’m no expert- but I have done a lot of stupid and crazy shiz in my day and messed my life up like a soup sammie on numerous occasions, been screwed over by a bunch of people, and learned a lot of tough lessons but have somehow managed to get the train on the tracks and am now headed full steam ahead to AwesomeTown. Pretty much what I’m about to say is what I wish I could have told my twenty something self.
#1) Give yourself a promotion to CEO of your own life. 
Quit waiting around for everybody else to make your ass happy or this or that or whatever. That shiz  ain’t never gonna happen.  This isn’t a Disney movie. Decide what you want, make a plan, stick to the plan-MAKE IT HAPPEN. The only thing that grows on trees is leaves and fruit so if there is something else you want go to work.  My own example of this is pathetic but I’ll share. I find personal finances somewhat overwhelming. I can spend the hell out of some money but retirement blahblahblhab and all that stuff EEEks! So after a major sh!tstorm hit my life for about 6 months straight (breakup, apartment fiasco, car broke down, got sued)  I realized that I was being an idiot. My retirement plan was find a man to worry about that crap. So I said to myself enough- I came up with a plan to pay back all my debt and I started putting at least what I could get matched in my 401k. I also talked to my Financial consultant aka my daddy-o  for advice. Don’t be afraid to ask for help- All great CEO’s have advisors/ consultants and you should too! The more action you take towards something the less stress you’ll feel towards it. You might hit some bumps along the way – regroup, make a new plan, and move on. Also, as CEO of your life please be advised that your personal happiness is a product of your attitude and not any of the following: a dream man, your goal weight, more money, or chocolate cake with a heap of ice cream. So what I’m saying is don’t put off your happiness until any of these are achieved.

#2) Stop being Man-Tarded. (**if you are a man and reading this please insert Woman-tarded)
It’s wonderful to have someone in your life and all of that stuff- don’t get me wrong. But stop giving so damn much of yourself to someone who doesn’t give a shit about you. If someone isn’t texting you, calling you, trying to spend time with you- stop making excuses for them. They aren’t interested. The End. There’s no amount of busy, work, or anything else that will stop a guy from seeing you or talking to you if he wants to ß(disclaimer: this statement has been hubs verified!).  Stop making your life about them –don’t rearrange your schedule when they suddenly are bored and want to see you. You know what happens when you make someone a priority in your life and they don’t return the favor? You work harder to make them like you and the truth is – they never will.  Shut that shit down and focus on making you happy. Stop going after unavailable men, actually or emotionally – it all ends the same way. They’ll go back to the girlfriend/ wife/ fiancée whatever or bounce back and forth between you for awhile but you will always be option B. And if it does work out with you two… pretty soon you’ll be the girlfriend/ wife/ fiancée and then it’s your turn for insecurity / heartbreak city. You don’t win. The end.  Ok, so let’s say you made some bad decisions, got screwed over, and are now stalking, semi-stalking, or trying to be “friends” with this Richard. Put your crazy away and find something productive to do. Showing up somewhere they are, texting them, doing a drive by, any of that stuff will only make you feel worse. Not to mention that you look creepy crazy lady to anyone who gets to witness this. I have never heard an awesome how they met story that started off… She was out stalking the shit out of her ex and I found those crazy eyes so alluring. I just had to get some of that.  If you are anything like me and add tequila to this situation just remember to line up someone to bail your arse outta jail when things get out of hand.
Remaining friends with these “situations” is tricky. From what I’ve seen- there is generally underlying motive for said friendship. To put it bluntly, they don’t really want to be your friend. Then this whole thing strings out and when you tell them they are in Friendsville you are no longer friends. Losing friends sucks. If this friendship consists of you babysitting his kid(s), buying him stuff, paying his bills, or doing favors for him on a consistence basis here’s a newsflash…he’s not your friend- he’s using you! I have never seen any cases of this leading to him realizing he can’t live without you and getting back together either. It usually plays out till you get sick of it and grow a spine or until he finds the next Ms. Hot Pants and replaces you.
3) Have your own back. 
 If you follow rule #1 then you are fully taking charge of your life then this will come naturally. What I mean by this is that there are people in this world that will stab you in the back every chance they can. This happened to me a solid 3 times before I finally realized that I was the common denominator. This is what happens – you meet someone -they seem nice. You become friends. They realize that you are loyal and give people the benefit of the doubt, and then they go to work. You get comfortable in your friendship. Their main goal in life is to get what they want. They don’t see the world the same way. They will manipulate, use, take advantage of, and lie their way to making you feel like you are 2 steps away from crazy town. If you keep these people in your life it will have more drama than an entire season of Bachelor Pad. Get these people out of your life. I’m telling you from experience that they won’t stop lying to your face, trying to take your boyfriend, or jeopardizing your relationships with other people. They will only continue to be out for themselves and crushing everything that gets in the way. I'm not saying don't have friends. I'm saying evaluate your friendships often and when people screw you over make them earn their place back in your life. If it was an honest mistake it will work out... good old Out For Themselves won't do the work and you'll have your answer. Don't second guess that answer ever- it's the right one regardless of whether or not you like it. 
4) Stop comparing yourself to other people.
The only competition you should have is to make yourself the best that you can be. People are only showing/ telling you what they want you to see. It’s easy to think that other people have this perfect life when you only see the best stuff- your everyday life will never seem adequate. It’s not a competition. Be thankful for everything that you do have and work for what you want.

This is getting long so I’ll stop for today. Again, this is just some of what I’ve learned from my life so if your therapist or licensed professional  is saying something different  please disregard any of the above word vomit. If you feel you need therapy and can't afford a professional, I have a couch and some wine...feel free to hit me up!   
Happy Friday and Goooo Cats! 
and Badgers for my homies....(until they have to play each other!!)

Monday, March 11, 2013

How very Pinteresting

Now that the wedding and holidays are over I’ve taken on a new project- de-baching this house. I guess we could just call it girling it up instead since there are a lot of empty builder beige walls. Thank goodness for Pinterest. I am pretty good at following directions and putting my spin on recreating looks I like. Not so good at coming up with shiz from scratch. What I’ve learned about Pinterest though – is that sometimes it looks really good in a picture or in my head and seems easy enough to pull off- can turn into a complete sh!t storm real fast. Patience is not one of my strong suits. I learned real fast that taking on projects is best left to when the hubs is otherwise occupado and not in the house. LOVE HIM but he is sort of a hard ass when it comes to doing stuff right and I can go from 0 to bitch face in about 3.2 seconds flat when I have someone bustin my lady balls. My goal is for it to look flawless- AT the END! He finds it hard to see the big picture when it looks like a stain crazy maniac just took a steaming heap all over the bathroom. The benefit to being older and wiser and it being 2.0? I’m smart enough to handle my craziness when he is gone and asking for his help when I need it and then going and drinking a bottle  glass of wine and letting him do his thing.
So here’s what happened in the master bath….

A little stain and some paint kick it up a notch. Paint is Behr- Mocha Accent (Home Depot)

I followed this tutorial from Pinterest for the vanity:

If you should decide to take this project on here are a couple notes: mine took about 5 coats of stain and 3 of poly to get the look/ coverage I was going for. Be patient – it sucks but it will be worth it. Plan on having your bathroom chaotic for a good week or more if you get distracted from the project at hand.  Do not waste your hard earned cash on those stupid painters pyramids figure out some other way to hold them and just do one side at a time and allow plenty of drying time in between. I can’t tell you how many times my doors fell off those stupid things and how many cuss words I said. And at the very end when I thought I was done and turned my doors back over to start polying I had to sand and retouch a few where those suckers marred the finish- GRRRR! Don’t do it!
I removed the blah towel rack that we never used and replaced it with a shelf and hooks – that we may or may not ever use. I don’t remember the last time I actually took a bath over there- aint nobody got time for dat!
I need to figure out something cuter to put on that shelf too… I had a candle thingy but I had that shelf being much wider in my head…

 *please disregard all the dog toys in the background- my little crazy lady insists on them all being on the floor and not in the basket. 

And here is what I did to a big empty wall in the living room…


My edition:

Well that is all – Happy Monday  and don’t forget: