Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adventures in Marinating

I found a new friend over the weekend. His name is Marinade. He made porkchops so delicious I can't stop thinking about him and all of his saucy cousins. I seriously don't know why I've never tried it before but I am hooked!!! Here is the marinade I used for said porky chops...

Of course, in true Schroeder fashion, I didn't measure anything I just eyeballed it. Also, instead of plain old oregano I used Kirklands (from Costco) Rustic Tuscan seasoning. It had oregano and lemon in it like the marinade so I went with it. After letting it sit in a ziploc bag in the fridge for a few hours I grilled them... super delicious!!!
Those turned out so good I decided to try chicken Fajitas on Monday. All I did for these bad boys was throw the chicken in a ziploc baggie, squeeze about 5 fresh limes in the bag, added roughly the same amount of olive oil., then dumped in some good ol' taco seasoning. I let those suckers fiesta over night in the fridge and grilled it up. I sauteed some peppers and onions on the side.Then this happened: BEST.FAJITAS.EVER!!!
As you may or may not know, when something is working for me I tend to go with it. Call me compulsive... it's cool... So my next lil chicky adventures are taking a dip in the marinade pond as we speak... Cilantro Lime Garlic, Teriyaki, and that same fabulous one that I linked to above.... ohhh the possibilities.

In other news, my first birthday gift arrived today. Super awesome! There's nothing that makes me feel better about getting older than getting new stuff!!! I'm simple like that. I seriously can't believe I am this old. I mean I know what comes after 34 but in my head I still feel like 20-somethingish....well except for every morning when I get up and feel sore, and when I have one (ha!) too many frosty beverages and it takes me down for the count for a few days. Sigh. Ok never mind that isn't making me feel any better. On the bright side, I have the day off work, get to eat cake, and I'll never be this young again!!

 Just in case you need some ideas of what to make with your marinated meat here are some suggestions:
broccoli salad:
and for dessert:

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